Scott, were you running a welded rear when the axle snapped?
Steve Groh
'63 Spit
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 24, 2012, at 5:57 PM, "Barr, Scott" <> wrote:
> My Summers Bros Spitfire axle broke, too (vintage 2002-2003). My car
> very nearly went on its head as well. Mine broke at the taper from axle
> to the hub.
> Scott B.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Joe Guinan
> Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 11:12 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Fot] Group 44 Spitfire rollover?
> Fot members,
> I received the following response from Mark, containing a request that I
> repost to the list.
> I'm somewhat familiar with the Summers Brothers Axle set-up for the
> Spitfire/GT6. Photos I have saved on my hard drive seem to include a
> U-Joint assembly that is different than the stock Triumph unit and
> utilizing Spicer parts. I don't have part numbers or knowledge of the
> history of what has been offered or used by others. I've discussed this
> topic with several on this list in years past, and I am pretty sure
> there is at least one FOTer who has done some development work on the
> hubs (Chuck Gee?), and I think that one of our members actually sells
> these Summers Brothers units (Joe Siam?).
> I certainly don't want to open up a can of worms, and appreciate the
> fact that these attempt to supply a need for a very small market.
> However, I would be really happy to have Mark's U-Joint issue cleared up
> for us so that we know what needs to be done to make these things work
> safely.
> Joe Guinan
> Fremont, NE
> ***************************Original
> Message****************************************
> Joe,
> I bought axles from Sommers Bros in CA. Told them what I had and they
> sent me new ones I installed then and thought I was safe. WRONG.
> Basically they used stock Spitfire u joint castings with new u joints.
> They did not tell me or ask me if I wanted to use Corvair parts, how the
> heck am I supposed to know about that need? They have been doing this
> for 30 years and they are supposed to be the experts and such right??
> Anyway the u joint casting is sort of fine but the u joints themselves
> are weak and that is what failed.
> So now I got great axles that are splined to poor strength castings and
> no way to modify or reuse them to use them again. 2000.00 down the tubes
> thanks to Sommers Bros. Not to mention the potential life damage and or
> the damage done to the car overall.
> I don't know how to reply to these and have them appear on the site so
> if you do please do for the sake of others so they don't have this issue
> like I did.
> Mark Craig
> Diesel Performance Parts, INC.
> 411 Allied Drive
> Nashville, TN 37211
> 866-455-7788 Phone
> 615-834-9923 Fax
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