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Re: [FOT] Kastner PI Cam Control Unit

To: "Geoffrey Byrne" <>
Subject: Re: [FOT] Kastner PI Cam Control Unit
From: "Chuck Arnold" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 07:57:21 -0700
I, and others, have talked to Greg Lund, whop is on this list (*greg *and who ownes one of those units.  We are trying
to at least get the dimensions and a "paper" copy of the cam.  I have a
Lucas snail cam that I will be installing on my unit this winterr, but would
love to get a Kastner unit.

Jeff Durant and Charly Mitchel are also interested.  Are there others?
Jeff, are you still reading FOT mail?  Your email was bounced back.

On 10/12/06, Geoffrey Byrne <> wrote:
> Has any tried recently to manufacture one of the cam operated fuel
> controls
> for the PI motor as developed by Kas.
> I'm interested in acquiring one or making one . Does any one have advice
> on
> how to profile the cam without a dyno
> Geoff Byrne
> ===  Help keep Team.Net on the air
> ===

Chuck Arnold

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