The mosquito magnets (propane-powered warm CO2 generators) work very
well if you get them positioned right, and they've come down in price
so much you don't have to be Mr. Moneybags to afford one.
On Jul 29, 2006, at 8:53 AM, SHANE Ingate wrote:
> Amici,
> For those who live near swampy areas (like DC), what do y'all
> do about mosquitoes in the garage? The blood-suckers
> are attracted to me like flies to, you know, and they eat me alive.
> I don't use Deet or apply any chemicals to my skin (except engine
> and tranny oil, but hey, its a LBC). No A/C so I usually keep the
> door open and use a large fan to circulate the marginally cooler
> evening air
> I've thought of getting a grant for building a preciion guided
> mega-watt laser or aerial nano-bug swatters, but short of
> fantasy, I do have bat houses and encourage field swallows.
> Shane Ingate, the bane of all blood-suckers, in Maryland
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