A wiring diagram is at http://home.swbell.net/cartrip/ODWiring.PDF. I
suppose you could modify it for multiple operating switches, but it
might add to the confusion factor.
While we're on the subject of overdrives, has anyone tried enlarging the
hole in the operating valve so the overdrive will disengage more
quickly? I read somewhere to increase the hole from 1/32 to 3/64.
However, the stock hole size is much smaller than 1/32. I'm thinking I
might drill it out to 1/32.
rob wrote:
> Thats great I would like to see it Can you put one to geather with
> 2 switches 1 wheel and1 lever working to geather as welll as a dash
> light . I have had it on the lever for a long time and like it but
> the left thump would be an added feature The dash light is creeping
> onto my ta do list after I forgot to disengage twice last weekend.