To our Brit friends and anyone else using PAL video:
The price of a PAL version of the All-Triumph Race video is $35. The price
includes air mail to your address in the UK. If you would like to purchase a
copy please use your Visa, MasterCard or American Express card.
Please e-mail me with the type of card (Visa, MC, AX), the expiration date
and the your name as it appears on the card. The $35 billing will be
processed through The Howard Company after your video has airmailed.
All credit card information will be kept confidential and will be shredded
after completion of sale.
I plan on placing the order on April 16 to have PAL videos made. Therefore
it is necessary that I have your order no later than April 15. You should
then receive your video by May 1.
Grinnin' from gear to gear,
Kent Howard
Unofficial Videographer
Friends of Triumph