Wouldn't the 2.5 litre engine put the car into GT-2?
Bill 70 GT-6+
On Wed, 7 Nov 2001 16:32:13 -0500 (EST) "Robert M. Lang"
<lang@isis.mit.edu> writes:
> Hi,
> And FWIW - there's a GT6 that runs in GT3 up here in the northeast
> that's
> really freakin' fast. The owner is sort of down on the car though
> because
> he doesn't finish races due to "little things" breaking or whatever.
> I
> guess the fact that he also races various BMW products and that he
> sells a
> lot of stuff to the German crowd (Greenfield Imported Automotive)
> probably
> reinforces his lack of British enthusiasm...
> At any rate, that car was for sale some time ago, but I haven't seen
> any
> ads for it as of late... maybe it's still in GRM, I forget.
> I think that car is probably illegal in EP, though. I think it has
> the 2.5
> litre motor from a TR6. One thing fer sher - that car's FAST.
> Ah, if I only had a few thousand $$$'s laying around....
> rml
> Bob Lang Room N42-140Q | This space for
> rent
> Consultant MIT unix-vms-help |
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