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Re: Fuel Testing

Subject: Re: Fuel Testing
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 15:24:30 EDT
I appreciate the responses on this subject:

In a message dated 4/5/01 8:54:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<<  But the answer to your question is undoubtedly in your current copy of 
the GCR. >> 

I will definitely look.  This was one of my questions.  The Tech Inspector 
told me that none of this information was in the new GCR.

<<They have not outlawed the high octane leaded fuels. Far from it in
fact. It sounds like you have a somewhat confused Tech inspector. This
is not uncommon on this issue.>>

I hope that you are right on this point.  Maybe he was playing Chicken Little.

<<Here was a case at the Runoffs where an EP guy (I think) was relegated to
the "back of the pack" due to fuel irregularities. He apparently leaves
the system filled with regular pump gas between races and the crew
allegedly did not pump it all out before filling with race fuel... the
result - the specific gravity was wrong and his qualifying times were

At the meeting, they were using chemical color testing and a table of 
"Electrolytes"? (Probable using the wrong word due to a lack of 
understanding).  The cars that use leaded racing gasoline need a reading of 
zero.  The rotary engines running on pump gasoline with a mixture of Marvel's 
Mystery Oil must be under the reading of 2.

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