FOR SALE set of Hoosier 5.00/15 Vintage TD tires. Real nice set with most of
the tread still there. This is the "spec" tire for vintage TR3-4. These run
over $160 each. Set of four $200. Few others not quite as nice $75 per pair.
Still lots of races left on them. Tires are in Florida and will be here in a
week. UPS runs about $20 per pair.
Set Dunlop 5.00/15 race tires in excellent condition. These are 1" narrower
than the Hoosiers(Hoosiers have 6" wide tread) and a good choice for those
with clearance problems. This is the spec. tire for VSCCA. Cost new is a
whopping $200 each. Set of four $200.
Same as above except 5.50/15. No wider than Hoosiers. Two choice tires, one
60% and one 50%. Set of four $150
All tires can be shipped from Florida or PA. Can deliver at Pittsburgh in two
weeks, SVRA Watkins Glen or HSR/VSCCA Limerock Festival.