Dear O'Driscoll
I need your help. Today you posted the following brief reply
to Paul Richardson. If I have the order of things correct,
you posted a first reply following his most entertaining,
historically accurate and informative story about Tilly
Shilling. That reply appeared to poke fun at what you see as
an 'antiquated attitude' and for some obscure reason, you
then switch to an observation by an Aston Martin dealer in
London about one sector of the British population and blend
this into a marketing plan or somesuch by the ford Motor
Company. Paul Richardson replied to you. Your second
response was limited to eight words words shown below:
>Well then excuse me ... from your sexist list ...
So, at the risk of tedium, let's go back to the beginning. I
don't know whether you were aware of her existence prior to
Paul's story but you ought to know Mrs Shilling is someone
who is STILL held in the very highest esteem at the Aero
Engine Division of Rolls Royce - even today and she is also
known and respected further afield as well. I speak from
personal knowledge on this score because for a very brief
period I was employed by Rolls Royce in the 1960's. During
that short time in my life, I got to know a number of older
hands who had worked on Merlins and its later derivative,
the Griffon. Those same men had first hand battle experience
both in control of aircraft as pilots and their peers as
either ground crew or engineers on secondment from Rolls
Royce in the battle front line. It was through those men
that I first learned of Mrs Shilling and I can tell you she
was a lady held in the very highest esteem by all who knew
her - either personally or by repute.
Additionally, I've read your earlier post in which you
comment about 'antiquated attitudes' and I cannot reconcile
in my own mind what 'antiquated attitudes,' an Aston Martin
dealer's view on a sector of British Society and the
marketing plans of Ford vis a vis the DB7 have to do with
one another. I'm sorry but I have to confess that I still
haven't a clue of what you're trying to say. Furthermore, I
cannot for the life of me work out why on earth you feel
this list or Paul Richardson are sexist.
Please understand, I'm only an Englishman. I'm not a citizen
of the most powerful nation on earth (perhaps even the most
intelligent nation on earth as well, for all I know?) I'm no
good at politics and I infinitely prefer what is generally
known as straight talking. So could I ask you to do one
thing in future, old chap? By all means post whatever you
want to this list, whenever the mood takes you - but for my
sake, if for no-one else, please spell it out in words of
one syllable - or three at the most.
I would just say that if you want to take the p*ss out of
the British, please do it D I R E C T L Y and in plain
English. Your observations, undoubtedly well understood by
you, were about as easy for me to comprehend (and probably
others) as the Cyrillic alphabet. Perhaps you would do well
to remember as well, that the New York Times is not one of
England's more popular newspapers. This is simply because
it's about as available for us as British Farmer and Pig
Breeder magazine is for you in America. I presume that is
where you live?
As a conclusion, if you hold views that are, shall we say,
sneering or contemptuous of national characteristics or
people (regardless of who they are or where they live(d))
who have made meaningful contributions to history in
whatever form, I would be obliged if you would keep them to
yourself. Please post your reply to the list as a whole -
because if you don't, I will.