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Re: Accusump

To: Jim Hill <>
Subject: Re: Accusump
From: Bob Lang <>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 16:28:05 -0400 (EDT)
On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, Jim Hill wrote:

> Bob Lang wrote:
> > With respect to the Accusump and dry sump systems, are they really 
> > necessary if you have baffles??? I'm talking about autocross and possibly 
> > later on some road course action (like time trialing or high speed 
> > "touring" with BMWCCA).
> My understanding is that one of the chief advantages of the Accusump (which,
> I hasten to add, I do NOT have on my TR6 - yet) is that it retains a supply
> of oil under pressure when the engine is not running - and is thus able to
> provide an immediate supply of pressurized oil when the engine is started,
> avoiding those first few seconds when the bearing surfaces are spinning w/o
> a supply of oil under pressure.

Yep, I understand this part of the Accusump or "accumulator" setup. 
Pre-oiling is a def. win.

> Baffles, of course, supply no such protection - nor do they increase the
> volume of oil in circulation as an Accusump does.

I understand... I'm trying to find out if folks ever see "oil cavatation" 
or tht kind of thing. On some of my earlier cars (VW Beetles in 
particular), I was was easily able to "slosh" all the oil to one side or 
'tuther in hard cornering resulting in momentaryloss of oil pressure. 
That VDO electric oil pressure gauge was sure fine at pointing that out! 
Disconcerting, for sure, but I never spun a bearing or anything with 
those cars. Of course I did rebuild the engines with greater regularity 
than my Triumphs... but what the heck, I was young-ish.

> Jim Hill
> Madison WI

Bob Lang                Room N42-140Q          | This space for rent.
Consultant              MIT Computer Services  |        
Voice: (617)253-7438    FAX: (617)258-9535     |

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