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Re: [Roadsters] Datsun-roadsters Digest, Vol 3, Issue 304

To: Toby B <>,
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] Datsun-roadsters Digest, Vol 3, Issue 304
From: <>
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2009 0:44:24 -0400
Last summer I decided to drive rather than fly from SC to TX when I had a three 
week business trip. I take the roadster everywhere I can and enjoy driving it 
on trips.  A couple of years earlier I did the coast to coast trip when I 
purchased it but that was late winter, early spring so hot temps did not come 
into play.  The drive to TX was in the middle of the summer with record 
breaking highs. It was so hot I had to run the heater every once in a while to 
keep the engine temp. down.  Needless to say the two day trip resulted in about 
10 lbs. of weight loss from sitting in the "sauna".  When I checked into the 
hotel they thought I was a mime I was completely white covered with sun screen.

66 1600

---- Toby B <> wrote: 
> "Tom:
> It is hard to explain to some people that driving around with the top
> down in 100+ degree weather is like sitting in a microwave oven. I guess
> they just have to buy a roadster to understand."
> Actually, I find it to be more like a CONVECTION oven,
> seeing as we have been having unseasonally absurd temperatures...
> heh
> Toby
> Seattle.  Never saw over 100f.  Ever.  Until yesterday.  When it was 103.
> I kind of liked it... kinda.
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