I know it's a tough financial choice, but do you really want this guy
working on your engine?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eddie" <eddietude@socal.rr.com>
To: "Mark Dent" <mark@dealermats.com>
Cc: "Datsun Roadster List" <datsun-roadsters@autox.team.net>
Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2009 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] Motor Blew with 19 miles on it.
> It became his problem when I brought the car back to him complaining the
> OP was low, and he said "it's fine, that's probably normal just drive it."
> It also doesn't help his case that the EXACT same thing happened to a
> friend of mine. Seems to be a pattern of sloppy work.
> Eddie
> Mark Dent wrote:
>> This brings up an interesting question: If the oil pump failed, is it
>> his problem? Did he use the old pump? Just wondering. If he rebuilt
>> the motor but a part that he did not replace happened to fail shortly
>> thereafter, who is liable?
>> Mark
>> On Apr 25, 2009, at 12:52 PM, Eddie wrote:
>>> The block didn't have a crack BEFORE he rebuilt it, as the OP was fine
>>> before the rebuild...
>>> My guess? Oil pump failed, or something else wasn't done right...
>>> Eddie
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