So you'll all love this:
I take my car to the mechanic who rebuilt it today to get him to adjust
the carbs and check why my oil pressure seemed low.
(The dual carb thing is new to me, and he gladly showed me how to do it.)
He couldn't figure out why the oil pressure was low, and assumed it must
be because the car is supposed to be that way. I told him it wasn't.
He said that he thought perhaps the sending unit wasn't properly matched
to the gauge. I told him I didn't think that was the case either, and
I suspected something internally was amiss. He insisted that was not
the case, and he said he stands by his work if there is a problem.
He said it would be fine, and if it was going to be a problem, it would
have done it on the trip over to his shop. I leave, having a funny
feeling about all of it.
Long story short, I got about 3 miles from his shop, and with 19 miles
total on the new motor, it seized. Yup. Seized up on the freeway.
Got towed home, and Monday it's going in his shop and he gets to rebuild
it for free. Not my problem, and I'm not going to worry about it or get
upset about it.
Turns out, the exact same thing happened to my friend's Porsche roadster
he rebuilt the motor on, and the guy did honor his work and fix it for
no charge. I'm sure he's not going to be happy he screwed this up! Oh
So, back to driving my truck...
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