Hi Donovan,
Depends on what exactly you are referring to as a "Website".
I personally use a free image hosting service, Shutterfly.
Not a "Home Page" as such but I was able to setup my own "Shared Album" site
under my nom de plume "Nissanman".
I'm not saying it is the best but the price is right!
What more could the budget conscious ask for!!
If your chosen name is unused you too can specify your site name.
Admittedly, I am at the mercy of a hosting service but they have done all
the hard work, I just post my images on there.
I have all the original images on my HD.
There are a few hosting sites about, some better than others, you takes your
choice and pays no money!
Graeme Suckling
1965 SP310 Datsun Sports
1971 P510 Datsun 1600
1972 PL510 Datsun 1600 LHD
1973 HS30 Datsun 240Z
1984 B120 Datsun 1200 utility
1993 ECR33 Skyline GTS25t
South Australia
"Hello everyone,
I noticed that some on you have your own website that documents your
restoration projects. Godaddy.com. has been mentioned so far.
Does anyone else have suggestions regarding where any other place where I
can create a straight forward website? And yes, I am budget conscious.
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