Someone should be keeping a log of how often this question comes up.
The pretty red light in the "Brake Safety Lamp Check Knob" (as it is referred
to in the Owner's Manual) is the Brake Safety Lamp. The light in the knob is
activated when a) a failure (drop in pressure) in either the front or rear
brake hydraulic circuits is detected, or b) you pull the knob out.
There is a valve block mounted on the firewall which the front and rear brake
circuits are routed through. If the valve detects a pressure imbalance between
the front and rear circuits when the brakes are applied, a switch is activated
which lights this lamp. Pulling the knob checks that the lamp is functioning.
Gary McCormick
San Jose, CA
'70 2000 SRL311-13291 wrote: Could someone tell me what the "B" dashboard
light is for? The best I can figure the service brake switch on the dash turns
it on and off, but it isn't hooked up to anything else--fun, but even I get
bored turning lights on and off.
Is there some missing hardware that should connect this light to the parking
brake? Should I wire it to the brake lights?
Nathaniel Leeds
'69 2000 (electrically challenged)
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