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Re: Vintage Datsun Racing Pics from 1972: blast from the past

Subject: Re: Vintage Datsun Racing Pics from 1972: blast from the past
From: "Jim InVirginia" <>
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2006 19:48:12 -0500
I just sent them.  Let me know if the quality came through OK.
The numbers are 99, 46, and looks like 41.   The 46 and 41 car look like BRE 
cars, the 99 does not have the BRE stripe down the front fender.

Hope this helps the cause!  I do not need any datsun stuff as payment, I am 
glad to contribute to the cause.  Thanks for the offer though!
Best Regards,

>From: "Merlin" <>
>To: "Victor Laury" <>, "Jim InVirginia" 
>Subject: Re: Vintage Datsun Racing Pics from 1972:  blast from the past
>Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2006 14:23:18 -0800
>Holy crap!
>Please scan them and send me copies... you may have a very rare shot of
>a 510 BRE car that I've never found a pic of...  I've got pics of the 
>the 46 of course white top, blue bottom #68 and the Yellow 27? one... but
>there is one more BRE built 510 racer... please send me good Jpegs. I will
>reward with some datsun junk or what have you.
> >-- Original Message --
> >Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2006 07:20:31 -0800 (GMT-08:00)
> >From: Victor Laury <>
> >To: Jim InVirginia <>,,
> >
> >Subject: Re: Vintage Datsun Racing Pics from 1972:  blast from the past
> >Reply-To: Victor Laury <>
> >
> >
> >Scan those and share them with the world! Seriously! I'd host them, 
> >.com would LOVE Them, would host them. Any way you
> >Scan them and I give you lots of choices on where to post them up. 
> >images like those should not go from one closet to another!
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >>From: Jim InVirginia <>
> >>Sent: Nov 24, 2006 5:22 AM
> >>To:
> >>Subject: Vintage Datsun Racing Pics from 1972:  blast from the past
> >>
> >>Good Morning List!
> >>My one good brother in law was cleaning out his garage. He has been 
> >to
> >>motorsports races for just about forever.  he gave me 7 pics, 3X5, black
> >and
> >>white,  from vintage races he attended back in the day. Some are from
> >
> >>72, and were taken at Mid-Ohio.  Some are from Sept 72 and are from 
> >
> >>Park Canada during a Grand Prix weekend.   Here are the descriptions.
>  If
> >
> >>anyone has an interest, in particular if anyone still owns one of these
> >
> >>cars, contact me offline, and you can send me a self addressed stamped
> >>envelope, and I will send the relevant ones to you.
> >>1.  Jun 72, BRE Datsun 510  Number 46, coming around a corner
> >>2.  Jun 72, Datsun 510, Number 99, looks like class DS, parked in the
> >>infield, nice close up.
> >>3.  Sep 72, Roadster, tall windshield car, 1600 grill, slightly blurred,
> >
> >>following a 911 around a corner, heeled over nicely, looks like number
> >>4.  Sep 72, early Z car, number 202, coming around a corner nicely while
> >a
> >>spitfire wipes out into the dirt runoff in the background, with course
> >>worker and photographer running out of the way.
> >>5.  Sep 72, early Z car, number 240, Purolater/KLEEN FLO car, coming 
> >
> >>a corner
> >>6.  Sep 72, the 202 Z car coming around the same corner as the picture
> >>number 5.
> >>7.  Sep 72, Datsun 510, looking huge in camparison, chasing down a Mini
> >
> >>around a corner.  Number 41, has BRE paint scheme, but cannot tell if
> >a
> >>BRE car.
> >>
> >>Just looking to pass these on to the right folks.
> >>Best Regards,
> >>Jim
> >>Chesapeake, Virginia
> >>
> >
> >Victor
> >Downtown Los Angeles
> >70 SRL
> >70 521
> >71 521
> >72 240Z
> >
> >
> >Your messages not reaching the list?
> >Check out

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