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Re: comment and question

To: "Daryl Smith" <>,
Subject: Re: comment and question
From: "Mark Sedlack" <>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 12:53:13 -0500
Back when this thread was started, I did a sketch of a concept for a trunk
mount. Uses a thin AL bracket, a JCWhitless
LED strip, and a flat ribbon cable scarfed from an old computer, printer,
etc.  The LED strips are very light, intended to be mounted with
double-sided tape.  This approach would require no drilling.

Another option, if you're not opposed to drilling small hole(s) in the deck
lay down some masking tape on the deck, just ahead of the trunk, and mix &
dump a long glob of bondo on it.  The tape will protect the paint, and let
you remove the glob.   The glob will now have a curved bottom surface that
matchest the body contour.   Cut, sand, file, etc. the bondo to a shape for
mounting the LED. Drill two holes at right angles for the wires.  The mount
can be attached with either more DS tape, or with a couple of small tapping

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Daryl Smith" <>
To: "Datsun Roadster List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 11:58 AM
Subject: Fw: comment and question

> I've been thinking about this once in a while too. No roll bar tho, and
>  wouldn't it be covered when the top was up?
> I was thinking of putting a few bright LEDs in the chrome strip on the
>  lid. Haven't figured out how yet tho, and too many other projects to get
>  it.....
>  Daryl
> >> Now my ??  I've been thinking about a 3rd brakelight for my project.  I
> >> like the high mounted ones on the rollbar, assuming the top is down.
> >> idea is to take a bumper mounted license plate lamp from an early car
> >> turn it around and mount it just behind where the top fastens to the
> >> in the center.  I would have to figure out a light source but think it
> >> might look ok.  I hate to open myself up for opinions, being the
> >> non-purist and all, but send 'em if you got 'em.  Any ideas/thoughts
> >> pics are always welcome.
> >>
> >> Gary Tew
> >> Phoenix
> >> early '67 1600

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