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Re: 1600 Head

To: "SlowBoy" <>, <>
Subject: Re: 1600 Head
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 05:32:40 +0000
I just punched a hole in the water tower,
you know, the one we've had that long thread 
about removing.  It works fine.

Idea being, if I want to get rid of it, I can just 
swap the one piece and look stock again.
(I don't think the same thing will be possible 
if I do the CA18 swap...)


 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "SlowBoy" <>
> Has anyone had their 1600 head drilled and tapped for a modern temp sending
> unit? If so, can you post a picture?
> If not, any of you technically inclined got an idea where to put it besides
> that place where the sun doesn't shine?
> Thanks!

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