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Re: OT: Jiffy Lube rip-offs ?? This is interesting

To: Mike Harper <>,
Subject: Re: OT: Jiffy Lube rip-offs ?? This is interesting
From: Ronnie Day <>
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2006 13:48:36 -0500
> Mike Harper

> Maybe it is just me, and I should stay in lurk mode,
> but explain to me why, if y'all know all the lube
> points, and crawl under the car with these bafoons, do
> you not just lube your own car?  An air powered grease
> gun to hook up to your cheap compressor is not a huge
> investment, plus you get to change your oil & lube
> your car at your convienience and at not an
> unsubstantial savings, I might add. Biggest advantage,
> is you don't have some moron cross thread your plug,
> or just fail to do something that you paid for.
> Granted, I have to take my modern car & truck to a
> garage (a real mechanic who I know) for some repairs,
> because I do not have computer equipment and the
> "special tools" the manufactures seem to invent every
> year, but at least I can still work on my Roadsters,
> and I would not let anyone else touch them!
> Just one guys opinion, no flaming intended

Mike, I'm 59, fat, have bad knees and am way out of shape, plus (for the
time being) we have a gravel drive, but at least it's covered. I started
playing with these things in '70 when we bought a new 2000, followed maybe a
year later by a 510 4-door. Pre Datsun I did a lot of drag racing and one
summer busted the tranny in my '61 Biscayne THREE times, then had to fix it
before going to work on Monday. I armstronged everything unless I used a
base hobby shop, after I enlisted in the AF.

Jump to the early '90s when we started messing 510s again. One of the first
things I did was buy a roll around compressor and an inexpensive set of air
tools. Even so, like Victor said, often it's easier just to have some things
done. I know the guys well at the lube place I use and watch them while
they're working, too. Once we get the shop built on our property I'll do
most of the routine stuff myself primarily because we'll be 30 outside of
BFE and I intend to get a two post lift

Unfortunately my Honda mechanic is 150 miles away and the '95 Odyssey needs
new front rotors and pads right now, so I'm headed for the gravel drive. I
do have a good floor jack, stands and the air tools. At least it's only 87
and cloudy here right now and I'll set up a couple of fans, if I don't get
rained on.

Marc, if you don't get a call from me by 6:00 you might consider calling
911!!  ;>)

Later ya'll,

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