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RE: Question about CLutch

To: "Chas Willis" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Question about CLutch
From: "John Roper" <>
Date: Mon, 8 May 2006 17:29:24 -0500
>My 1968 2000 has a noise that comes when the car is not in gear and the
>clutch is disengaged.
>I step on the clutch and the noise goes away, let the clutch out and the
>noise comes back.

Someone mentioned tranny shaft bearing, but I'd guess it's more likely
to be a clutch throw-out bearing about to go down. When you push the 
clutch pedal in, the bearing stops spinning, and thus stops making noise.

>Can this be adjusted out? 

Nope.  :^(

>Am I doing any damage driving it like this?

No, but if it seizes, you probably will.

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