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To: Datsun Roadsters <>
Subject: Starter?
From: John <>
Date: Sat, 03 Dec 2005 18:59:45 -0800
Hi list,
I need some help regarding a starter issue I have. I went to start my car
today and the motor turned over when I engaged the starter. I released the
key - noticing that I did not have my choke on and tried again. When I tried
again I got nothing. Just like as if it was a dead battery. So I turned on
my stereo to see if in fact it was a battery problem but the radio came on;
then I tried the lights as well as the stereo and again everything was ok.
So I decided to leave all three on to see if when I engaged the starter if
any of them would be affected like when you have a weak battery...
Everything was ok and the volt meter on the car is showing a good battery if
that means anything.
So next was the fuses. Nope they all checked out to be ok.
This only leads me to believe that it is a starter issue. Am I right to
guess that or can there be other things I can check to see what can be the
fault. As a side note I also have no points on the car since I am using an
MSD box but I doubt that will have anything to do with it since the starter
itself is not even making any sound at all, like there was no juice getting
to it to turn over.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. 

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