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OT- Z car problem, a real bugger

Subject: OT- Z car problem, a real bugger
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 21:10:28 EST
Hello all,
    Some of you do Zs also, so hopefully I can get some  help. I'm working on 
a 72 240Z that is having a problem that I just can't sort  out. It 
accelerates great till about 4500 rpm then it just hits a wall. The  engine 
just goes 
flat. If you back off the gas you can sometimes nurse it  through. Get above 
5000 and it seems alright again. If you just hold your foot  down it just 
off of 4500, slows down, picks up again, then bounces off  it again. 
    The trouble started after we had a valve job done.  In the process we 
took of smog bits on the manifold and plugged the  holes. We plugged the air 
ports in the exhaust manifold and ground the  bumps flat. It is running the 
electronic distributor and has new plug  wires, cap and rotor.  The 
compression is 175-185 on all cylinders. 
    So far we have changed the coil, put the old  distributor back in, 
changed carb needles and adjusted them a bunch (something I  know a little 
varied spark plug gap, added an electric fuel pump. The  only thing that helps 
is to remove the air cleaner and base plate. Basically  what that does is 
remove the air horns. I know that makes some difference but it  should not make 
that much of a change. 
    Anybody have any ideas before I pull all my hair  out? 

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