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Sunday 9:00 AM run in Los Angeles

Subject: Sunday 9:00 AM run in Los Angeles
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 21:32:15 -0500
Meet Victor and me and two others (so far) at 9:00 AM  at the corner of Roxford 
and Encinitas, Roxford is the first exit after the 5 & 405 join in the SF 
Valley, go east 50 yards to the gas station.  Then we will take a few roads 
less traveled up to the Poppy Reserve in Lancaster and have an early picnic 
lunch (I'll bring drinks) and we can come back down through some more hills and 
twisties Vic and I found a few months ago.

Call if you get lost on the way.  310 890-5014

Gary C
red 1600 

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