> Brian Rourke
> My wife calls my roadster WOFTAM Short for Waist Of F*&$(#g Time and
> Money!! She also called our old jet boat the same thing..... Cant work
> women out sometimes :-)
If I follow you correctly at least she refers to the boat as "ours", but
probably not the roadster. At least not yet. It's still your WOFTAM. Look at
it this way, you are at a break even point. For the time being anyway. ;>)
I don't remember if we called our original 2000 anything other than the car.
Not very imaginative, I know, but until we bought our first 510 about a year
later the roadster was our only vehicle. That 510, a bright orange '71 4-dr.
became the "Orange Crate" after I stole, err..., I mean adopted that name as
my CB radio handle. Don't know how many remember the orange '54 Chevy panel
truck Gas class drag car of that name, but it was a popular Revell model kit
for a long time.
The "new" roadster is just "The Roadster" and the 510s are the Race Car and
the Street Toy. Maybe I'll get more inspiration after we actually get them
on the road again.