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Kinda OT: replying (was: Still sorry...)

To: "Michael Knorr" <>
Subject: Kinda OT: replying (was: Still sorry...)
From: "John F Sandhoff" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 12:58:50 -0700
> Okay, so I reply to the sender and,
> deleting the sender's address so she doesn't get two identical messages.

My strategy is to reply to both.

There are some delays in the list, and this way the sender receives
a reply right away, without list propagation delays.

And the list gets to share in the discussion. The sender pays an
insignificant price ('gotta delete one duplicate post') in return
for getting a prompt answer.

Note: I often copy the list on my responses, because I figure that if
a question is being asked there's a good chance there's a lurker or
two that will also have some interest in the response. Answers also
end up in the archive for future owners to be able to research.

-- John
     John F Sandhoff   Sacramento, CA

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  • Kinda OT: replying (was: Still sorry...), John F Sandhoff <=