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RE: Trolls and flame wars

To: <>
Subject: RE: Trolls and flame wars
From: "J Sylvester" <>
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2004 15:34:27 -0500
Prima Donna is now filtered....Haven't done that for a long time. 

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of prima donna
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2004 11:27 PM
To: Fred Schroeder
Subject: Re: Trolls and flame wars

Did I even email the list and called you names Fred??
I dont believe I did that.
In fact I dont believe I called anyone else on this
list other than
Andrew Murphy anything .

I only post on the list when Andrew Murphy does his
drama queen rant thats it.

So please dont pretend you know me.
You are also posting non roadster content to this list
by calling me names.

Im not going to have a flame war with you either so
this is my last email to you.

--- Fred Schroeder <>

> I really don't understand why people get into
> arguments and flame wars on the
> list.  I seriously doubt that there is much interest
> beyond the involved
> parties.
> People (a loosely applied term in this case) like
> prima donna are trolls.
> They exist only to cause trouble and turmoil. 
> Goading people to trade barbs
> with them amounts to some kind of "accomplishment". 
> The best suggestion for
> trolls is to filter their posts and ignore them. 
> It's no fun playing alone
> and sooner or later they will go somewhere else.
> Best regards,
> Fred Schroeder
> '70 2000
> SRL311-13359


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