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Re: top bows?

To: "Marc&Heidi" <>
Subject: Re: top bows?
From: "Eric Frisbee" <>
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2004 23:58:08 -0500
I think I have it somewhat fixed, but what a mess it's been!  I have been
using a jig build by the industrious Gary Boone, but there was a twist in
the middle of the bow.   I got that somewhat fixed up, but can see a lot of
room for strengthing the metal, which is bound to twist it more.   Well,
it's been a learning experience to say the least!  :>)  Thanks for all the
help and suggestions!!!


> Eric,
> Is the bow warping towards the windscreen in the middle, or away from
> it?  It almost seems that you wold need to weld it up while clamped to
> the windscreen  (mmm...burnin' rubber) or fashion a jig to avoid
> warpage.  If you felt like cutting it open and doing it again, you
> could fasten it to a piece 0f MDF cut to the bow profile with long
> shetmetal screws into the top retaining strip screw holes (or purpose
> drilled holes).  Or you could just depend on the gasket to make the
> seal.  It's not like it's going to be leak-free in any case ;-)
> -Marc T.
> On Jul 18, 2004, at 6:02 PM, Eric Frisbee wrote:
> > What I meant to write was that it's not just wavy in the general
> > areas, but
> > when put on the car, seems that there is a slight warpage about in the
> > middle?   I guess the gasket will take care of that, but wanted to be
> > more
> > precise closure for the top than before.  I'm still busy playing and
> > hopefully will find that perfection I am seeking!   Funny thing is
> > it's for
> > a car I hope to sell too! haha!
> >
> > Eric
> >
> ================================================
> The perfect is the enemy of the good.

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