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Re: Datsun 1500 restoration pics:

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Datsun 1500 restoration pics:
From: "datsunmike" <>
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2004 08:14:50 -0400
The best thing for rusty bolts is heat - lots of it from an oxy-acetylene
torch with a small head. An impact gun also helps.

Not to criticize but I would have had the body bead blasted in/out. It saves
time and money in the long run. BTDT 2x.

The effort you put in will pay off going forward and the knowledge that you
assembled the car yourself.

I am currently doing the same on my 66 MGB. The biggest disappointment is
the quality of aftermarket parts that do not fit. Also the Brits had funny
ways of assembling cars that make something simple to do on a Datsun a hard
thing to do on a B. A lot of cursing and scratching my head. Too many
assemblies need a second guy to help install the part and doing it by myself
makes it infinitely harder.

Keep up the good work.

BTW, check out the AG111 paint. It is by far the hardest toughest paint I
have ever used including POR 15 and it isn't UV sensitive. I saw it at an
auto flea market and decided to give it a try and I'm not sorry for it. I
painted the suspension bits on my B with it and it's great stuff.


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