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Re: Any differences between '66 and '67 1600?

Subject: Re: Any differences between '66 and '67 1600?
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2004 17:57:41 EDT
The 67 and most 66's had the aluminum head. The earlier iron head is reported 
to take more abuse (overheating) without warping. The aluminum is supposed to 
transfer heat a bit better. I would not avoid a car because of the head being 
iron vs aluminum. I've had machine work done and have done combustion chamber 
work on both and really can't say one is better than the other. 

keith williams

> Did it switch from iron to aluminum (probably), or aluminum to iron? Any
> issues w/ either? I had problems on my '89 Isuzu Trooper due to an aluminum
> intake manifold (and heads?) on an iron block, which resulted in 4 engines.
> Not really interested in going there again, lol.
> Pete

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