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RE: Non0toxic solvent

To: "Datsun-Roadsters@Autox. Team. Net"
Subject: RE: Non0toxic solvent
From: "Ken" <>
Date: Sat, 22 May 2004 15:11:59 -0700
Hi Tom:

I don't know about heating it.  It isn't as good as mineral spirits
like you
find in the stuff from Safety Kleen.  However, I find that it does a
good job
when I soak for a few hours or let the pump run and flow over the
part.  It
doesn't smell either and is easy on the hands.  NO flash point since
it has the
same properties as water.  Sparks from welders, etc. are not an issue.
My best suggestion is to read the web site and download the data

10 gallons cost me $ 277.00 so it is a LOT more expensive than mineral
but when you are done with it, it is legal to thrown it down a normal
sewer drain,
unlike anything based on a hydrocarbon.  I only purchased it because I
want anything with volatile gases in my garage nor anything hazardous
the grandkids visit.  Without a doubdt mineral spirits would work
better but
so far I am happy with the performance.  Here in Arizona disposal IS
an issue
(at least legal disposal) so I opted for something I could choose to
get rid
of without having to hunt for a disposal location.

I believe Gemtek will send you a sample.

Thanks for asking............


-----Original Message-----


       How effective is it, compared to old school parts cleaners. Is
helpful to heat it.

Tom Faust


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