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Wiring Question. Help Needed.

Subject: Wiring Question. Help Needed.
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2004 18:09:46 -0400
I have a question for the group on wiring?

I am rebuilding a 1600 '69. I have an old one that I am using for parts
and picked up a "68 that was registered as a '69.

I also purchased a 2000 '69 wire harness that I am using since my old car
continually had electrical problems. ( Melted on Fuse Box.)

Question I have is:

On the wires that come thru the fire wall below the glove box:

Three sets:

      1st  Yellow that connects to the brake junction box. ( What ever it
is called.)

      2nd  Two wires:

            Black and a Yellow wire inside a black sleeve.

      Where do these wires go?  Coil?


      Black / white strip with white band

      Black / white strip with a red band

      Black  / white trip with no band.



      Which wries go to the Coil?

      Which wires go to the Resistor?

      Does one of these wires go to the Distributor? If not where do I hock
      the wire from the distributor.

I should have done a better job of marking the wires when I stripped my
original '69.

Thanks for all your advise,

        Jeff Rice

'69 1600  -  Parts car
'68 1600  -  Coverting into a '69 ( Completely rebuilding frame up)
'66 1600 - Project next winter for my father.

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