Now that most of the snow is gone, and the ice is nearly off the lakes here in
Minnesota, I would like to drive my car! I have a '69 2000 that bottoms out in
the rear going over even mild bumps. It appears that the exhaust pipe is
hitting the axel. I'm thinking that the exhaust pipe should be moved towards
the inside of the car, away from the frame, since right now it is situated
directly under the frame. Is this correct? However, then the rear shock may
come into play, as there is not much room in this area! Any thoughts or
comments would be appreciated. Also, the rear springs appear flat and weak to
me (possibly contributing to this problem). Are there any recommendations for
replacing them?
Thanks in advance
Tom Notebaart
'69 2000 (drivable on smooth surfaces)
'70 1600 (needs a bit of work)