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I Have hit a deer with my roadster

To: <>
Subject: I Have hit a deer with my roadster
From: "robbpynes" <>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 09:04:44 -0800
Well Here Goes.
October 1982, a foggy night and a city street.
Cruising along at the regular speed limit Bam!!
Thought I had hit a pedestrian stepping off the curb, the lights went
out and my girlfriend was screaming.
I pulled over, looked back in the road to see a Three Point Buck
withering in pain, obviously with a broken neck.
With my girl still quite shaken I had to go to a neighboring house to
call animal control, when they and the cops got there the deer had died.
Looking at those antlers, good thing I had a hard top on the car at the
time, cause it went ass over teakettle over the top.
The damage?
Both headlights completely gone, hood pushed up 3-4' inches over the air
vent and still locked? The front where it says DATSUN completed bowed
in, But the car still ran, Barely!
As a poor working stiff, just liability, and that damn deer had no
Good thing I didn't have a grill at the time or I don't know how I would
have got the hood to release.
Rode the city bus for a year, saved some money for a few minor parts,
then I took a rubber mallet and beat the hood into a shape that would
work, that and a bungee cord and I was back in business. (for a while)
Datsun vs. deer is a date that will live in infamy for me. 
I think off all those years that my Dad and Granddads took me hunting,
never killed one in the woods, but my silver bullet did get one on a
city street that foggy night long ago!
Well that's my story.
See you on the Road !!
U20 Bombers (Datsun Roadster Club)

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