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Re: Kroil penetrating oil

Subject: Re: Kroil penetrating oil
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2004 19:32:19 EST
I like the Kroil and use it quite a bit. For really tough ones try this: 
Spray with the Kroil for a day or two then heat with a propane torch unitll the 
Kroil bubbles out of the space between the parts (hot all the way through) then 
spray more Kroil. Between the heat cycling and the Kroil getting sucked in as 
it cools it works pretty well. What I used on my mill was a couple quarts of 
diesel fuel mixed with a couple quarts of ATF. Worked well also. 


> Available mail-order from manufacturer,Kano Labs.
> They also make all kinds of lubricants and rust remover
> stuff.I guess it works,but not a whole lot of products seem to have much
> effect on 30 year old Japanese rusted parts.Bolts still seem to break before
> they turn(like bumper bolts even after a week of spraying)
> Paul in Pa.

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