Congrats on your new job Gary!
And as a shameless plug...
I have the test bed first EI dizzy installed in my wifes '67 1600... 20,000+
miles on the car and running perfectly! Gary tested it about 2500 miles ago
and no problems with any of the internals. The car is getting about 34 MPG.
And I installed a second EI in my '70 2000 before leaving Colorado for
Illinois.... my brother Dirk drove the car back home and reported the car got
30-36 MPG at a consistant 75 mph. I never did get to tune the car as well as
I wanted, but was somewhat shocked at that mileage!
In addition, both cars had a problem with stumbling about 3500-4000 rpm.
Smooth as silk now. I think it's a great investment to make your classic
reliable! Obviously my $.02!
Eric Frisbee
> Hi interested parties in the EI distributors,
> The Beast is claimed. I think I might have a few more beasts coming
> available soon though.
> Gary
> Hello Roadster folks,
> I have another 2 electronic distributors ready to go, in their rare
> form. But first of all, I'd like to mention that, after over 21 months
> of being unemployed, I finally have a job starting next week. I'm
> looking forward to being an engineer again. The reason I mention this
> that I want to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have
> purchased electronic distributors from me. I thank you very much, as it
> has kept me out of the nut house during my long term of unemployment.
> I'll still make the EI distributors for anyone, but just may not be as
> fast getting them out as I was previously. I'll also still support any
> problems, questions, or warranty work.
> If you wish to view a photo of the Beauty & the Beast electronic
> distributors for Round 2, there is one on my picture trail site at:
> Enter gboone in the member name under "Visit Album". It's the first
> photo in "My Automobiles" album.
> The "Beauty" distributor is built from an unusually clean housing and
> I've polished it. It looks better than new and is suitable for a show
> car. It comes with a new cap and rotor just like all my others (except
> the Beast). It's price is $240 plus $25 core charge and shipping. This
> price is only $10 over the normal price. I can remove the vacuum
> controller for no vacuum advance for a Solex car and you can deduct $35
> from its price.
> The "Beast", on the other hand, is fairly ugly, but not nearly as bad as
> the first Beast. It's price is $99 plus $25 core charge and shipping.
> That's less than the cost of a new points distributor. The only
> problem with the Beast is cosmetic. It comes with a used cap and rotor,
> but they are in very good condition.
> With both of these distributors, I'll throw in for free, a used Nissan
> 12 volt EI coil and mounting bracket. They are tested and painted to
> look nice but a show car would need a new coil. I can provide a Nissan
> part #, or info for you to get a high performance aftermarket coil on
> your own.
> To express my thanks, if anyone who has previously purchased a
> distributor from me , I'll deduct $25 from their price on either
> distributor.
> It's first come, first serve, and if they don't sell by Monday noon MDT,
> they both go to eBay.
> Thanks,
> Gary Boone
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