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U20 Water Pump question?

Subject: U20 Water Pump question?
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 14:38:31 EST
I took my car out for a leisurely drive to the video store to return some 
videos, low and behold I get home and I here a funny noise in my engine. I 
lift the hood and see that radiator fluid is coming out the bottom of my 
Water Pump (great!! had plans to do a Run next weekend etc.)

Before I get into tearing this apart, is there any things I should be looking 
for, i.e. what caused the pump to go bad, could this just be a symptom of 
something bigger wrong. What are some things I should look at or look for 
before just slapping on a new water pump and hoping thats the only problem.

I was already planning before this,  on doing some stuff to increase the 
tension on the timing chains since occasionally only after driving for long 
periods of time when I would stop at idle my chain would make a funny noise 
(like a rattle) then the noise would go away at higher rpms once I was on the 

Any suggestions would be appreciated!!

Lou Smaldino

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