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You guys made my day!

To: "Roadsters (E-mail)" <>
Subject: You guys made my day!
From: "Hall, Phillip" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 09:41:04 -0600
Wow - Thanks for the great welcome back.  It really made my day!  I have not
be Roadstering this winter at all:(

First my father in-law gave us his old 1946 Ford 2N tractor.  Rhonda wanted
it fixed up, so I jumped on it.  She wanted it painted pink, but her Dad
said he would take it back if she painted "that" color.  So, it is
blue/gray.  Original color was a dark gray all over - not too pretty.  It's

Then, repaint the kitchen, more trim work, and new wood bead ceiling (still
working on it).

Finally, the Columbia accident.  Sad day for us all.  I am not directly
involved in the investigation, but the previous safety issues/problems with
the Shuttle I was working on are now high priority.  Very busy at work to
say the least.

My '66 is parked out back as its space is used up for my son's '76 260Z
rework of the suspension.  He is really getting into it and learning a lot.
When the weather breaks, I will get the '66 in for the Volvo brake
conversion and ready for another Roadster season.  Look out Road Atlanta!!
Sad to say the custom is still sitting in its space in the shop as it was 3
months ago.  Anybody have some time I can barrow:)

Really looking forward to a good Roadster season with SEROC.  Thanks to Brad
we are over 100 members strong.  Nick should be finished with his Z in a
couple of weeks, so I will take the body off the custom and start the frame.
I am finding a big part of my Roadster fun is working on them - I miss it.

Thanks again, and you all have a great day!!


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