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Re: roadster brakes question

Subject: Re: roadster brakes question
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 02:31:21 EST
In a message dated 2/22/03 4:32:42 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> As matter of routine I suggest you allow the system to drain
> completely when you fit the new lines.
> Then refill the M/c with clean fresh brake fluid and give the whole
> works a good flush through with the new fluid.
> Bleed the system:- from the longest run to the shortest making sure
> each wheel cyl./caliper gets a good dose of clean fluid through it.
> Brake fluid does deteriorate over time taking in moisture thus
> lowering its boiling point.
> If you don't know how old the fluid is, replace it as above. It is
> cheap insurance.
> You might consider a higher boiling point fluid to improve brake
> performance.
> I use Lucas brand Grand Prix 600 which has a dry BP of 300 Deg. C and
> a wet BP of in excess of 200 Deg. C.
> If you have ever done any track work and boiled the fluid, you will
> know the feeling you get in the pit of your stomach as the brake pedal
> sinks straight to the floor!!!
> It then becomes the GEEEEEZUS pedal.
> **
> Regards,
> Graeme Suckling

thank you for the note.  and indeed i have felt that at the track, and until 
now, knew not why it was happening.  i do plan to use DOT 5 brake fluid which 
i guess is the best?  i'm not sure about tis temperature rating.  i'm doing 
all this so i can get back to the rack in two weeks.
thanks again

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