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RE: Roadster Sighting...Tempe Az

To: <>
Subject: RE: Roadster Sighting...Tempe Az
From: "Gordon Glasgow" <>
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 22:24:02 -0800
I remember Karl and his car. There's always someone who will object to
non-stock cars, but what the heck, everyone's entitled to their opinions.
Tell him to c'mon back.

Gordon Glasgow
Renton, WA

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Ryan Bird
> Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 9:41 PM
> To:
> Subject: Roadster Sighting...Tempe Az
> Hello All,
> As I was pulling out of church this afternoon, in our parking lot
> was a red, early 1600....  I was shocked to see on right there,
> but my wife wasn't too impressed.  I ended up driving home,
> dropping off the family, and then with the excuse (I've gotta go
> to Ron's to get the e-brake rods) I hopped into my 1600 and
> quickly went back to church.  Fortunately the roadster was still
> there.  The interior had seen better days, and a bit of paint
> bubbling was visible, especially on the trunk.  I noticed a
> "trick" five-speed shifter, but other than that, it was fun to
> see the car.  I was about to write a note to the owner when a
> young boy came out and started "freaking out", soon followed by
> what looked like his older sisters, they all were quite excited
> and quickly yelled: "DAD, COME QUICKLY!!! COME NOW!!!"  (My
> roadster was parked right next to the red one.)
> Turns out I bumped into a long time roadster owner, Karl Payne.
> He has a 2.3L Ford Turbo in the car matched up with a 5 speed.
> The bubbling on the hood was due to the heat of the
> turbo-charger.  We talked for an hour, played a bit with each
> others cars, and finally his wife pulled him away for dinner.
> What a blast.  Karl mentioned he had been on the list in the
> past, he might re-join us soon.  AzRoc'ers, he is more than
> willing to join us for any get-to-gethers we have, he liked the
> thought of a run up South Mountain....  Laruie....  Any Takers?
> (Of course I'll be out of town for the next 5 weeks)
> Anyway, he mentioned that he had gotten some flack from his
> "non-stock" engine in the past...  I don't think he'll get
> anything but awe from us...  He claims 210 hp when all is running well.
> Take care and enjoy the ride,
> Ryan Bird
> Tempe, AZ  67 1600

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