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Winter storage suggestions

To: Datsun Roadsters <>
Subject: Winter storage suggestions
From: Gary Boone <>
Date: Sat, 07 Dec 2002 23:25:25 -0700
Hey roadster groupies,
I thought I might make a couple of suggestions for those that don't 
drive their roadsters for a few winter months.  I'm sure many already 
know this stuff already.  

You should set your car up on jack stands high enough to get all the 
tires off the ground.  This will prevent the sidewalls of your tires 
from cracking.  Even a new set of tires will crack if not driven for a 
few months if the weight of the car is left on them.  I don't know 
exactly why this happens, but I've seen it lots.  If someone knows why 
this happens, I'd like to hear it.

Second, put fuel stabilizer in your gas tank and run the engine long 
enough so it reaches the carbs.  It keeps the gasoline from turning into 
varnish and gum and helps with moisture-caused problems.

There are a few other things like putting your whole car in a big 
plastic vacuum bag, but that is beyond the scope of my message.  :-)

Gary  Boone
'70 SRL311-13767

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