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I AM ? Long and rambling

Subject: I AM ? Long and rambling
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 00:23:56 EDT
John Brasfield, 39, Tuscaloosa Al. born in Jackson Ms, moved to New Orleans, 
then back to Jackson at 14. father in the oil business, hated cars, thought 
they were money pits, I sure proved that one to him. 
Although, he was a collector or old armour and guns. Made himself into a 
master gunsmith, best damn gluer on earth. I had a neighbor in New Orleans 
who was into old English stuff, my first little drive was in a xk150 Jag 
around 13 yo. The guy was Greg Landwehr, a genius and about the craziest 
s.o.b I have ever met. We are still friends and reunited vis-a-vis the 
internet. That Jag was  Loud as all get out but  had a wonderful smell. I 
sometimes think we all love these cars for the smells, perhaps they remind us 
of childhood, who knows, I digress....
Moved back to Jackson at 14, no friends strange people in a strange land. 
Found a spitfire with the engine in the trunk a year later, ran the english 
stuff for a while until the 240z graduation car I bought with the money my 
granny gave me. Had a kick butt 68 Z-28 down the street for the same price, 
but decided to be pratical, off to college you know, the venerible l-6 being 
much longer in life than the high strung 302 v-8. What are those cars worth 
1981,  off to college in my magenta 240, boy, some wild days. Totally 
restored it and sold it for a basket case one 6 years later. Still had 
Chitty, my 72 Spit for a backup. 
Finished the basket case one in about 88 or so, it was beautiful and really 
ran, bought a blue 240 which got totalled one night parked by a bar. Some guy 
who had a big night gambling in Jackson was obviously counting his loot when 
he rearended my car. Paid it off with bloody cash that night. May of had a 
few too many too.
Bought my friend's basket case yellow 280, got a motor from Japan for it, 
man, it would fly. Finally sold Chitty, I loved that car,  bought a nice 68 
2l from a mechanic guy who was behind on child support, 1990 I think. At that 
point, I was actually working in the real world, had various jobs after 
school, trying to find myself, had a few other cars not notable, moved back 
to Tuscaloosa, college town. Was a travelling garage door salesman, lotsa 
driving, sight seeing, but BORED!
     1991 bought big brother's 83 black  Porsche 944. Beautiful car, ran 
great, awsome.  Bought a Nissan 4x4 for redneck pursuits, REDRUM, REDRUM, 
still have it, although in the shop for six months. Back to school 93 or so, 
law school, why I did that I will never know. Inherited my Granny's house in 
Tuscaloosa, possibly the kindest and finest lady ever,  which made putting 
myself through law School much easier, still worked two-three jobs and 
travelled to Birmingham every night for four years. Am still tired from that 
     Lost my dad in 94. It was rough, we had a curious relationship, but he 
always had faith in me and secretly enjoyed my passion for mechanical things. 
I stayed out of school for the summer, and pulled Mr. Magoo into this old 
pirated garage in downtown Tuscaloosa for the old frame off. I worked late 
nights and weekends by myself, all summer, blasting, grinding, drinking, 
cussing, sweating,  missing dad and basically getting over my loss. Best damn 
therapy ever. I got all the frame, suspension, motor work done, body back on, 
but school cranked back up and I had limited time to work. Body work took 
another 2-3 years. Magoo still running great, have some big carbs in the 
garage, hmm, winter is here. 
     Well, during school I had the pratical thing happen again, sold the 944 
and bought my friends civic SI limited edition, I was a great commuter car, 
but it didn't have the german smell. Oh no, bitten again by a very potent and 
expensive german bug. Have I mentioned my other mentor, Howard? It seems 
somewhere in the late 80's I met this guy who has turned out to be one of my 
best all time buddies and one of the smartest, wackiest people I have ever 
met. also one of the best german wrenches around. He found me a wrecked 944 
turbo. His painter buddy Clifton, said I can fix it and did. Eighteen months 
later I was sporting around in a beautiful german rocketship, with my new 
lawyer paper. (I figured it was the best way to get out of tickets!)
     Well good time Charley was soon met by blind melon shouldn't be driving 
Granny, and the Tarpon was rearended into neverneverland. such a shame, a 
beautiful car, killer paint job and so much freakin' fun. well, this was my 
third, actually forth, rearender, and I was hurt. Cervical disc rupture, 
which is doing ok without surgery after these years. I sued old Granny, and 
State Farm, did o.k. for me, not rich, but it helped add the garage on my 
house. It is really pitiful when a 75 year old has to lie in depositions. 
Makes one wonder.
     Anyhoo, bought a 87 Mercedes 190E 2.3-16 5 speed, felt I needed 
something bigger. Cool car, has a great motor that will rev to 7000 all day 
long. It is getting alot of miles on it but still runs well. Three years ago 
bought a 76 911 cheap. Also bought a 78 928 5 speed that was a good one also, 
killer A/C too! Back to the Money pit 911,  it is just about finished. Bigger 
motor, suspension, paint, interior etc. Turning out to be a great car, runs 
like heck, just did first road trip with my lovely girlfriend to Nashville. 
Didn't break down, we sang to old rock and she sang to Sir Francis and 
     Have about finally found myself. I am finally, sorta settled, have a 
beautiful girlfriend, who sings like an angel, and is becoming a local TV 
star. I Wish I could send her to NYC to become the Broadway actor she should 
be. She drives like Steve McQueen too, can't wait to let her get some track 
time. I like being a self employed attorney, well, sometimes! I enjoy my 
aquarium with African chiclids, my garage, working in my garage, smelling my 
cars, planning my next knuckle busting adventure. I am.....

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