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Snoozin' and Loosin'

Subject: Snoozin' and Loosin'
From: "Andrew Murphy" <>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 20:18:23 -0700
Hey All,

Some of you may have seen the post I did about the 67.5 2000 for sale in 
Georgia. Turns out it was SRL311-00016 and it was numbers matching. 
Apparently it went fast to a guy from Toronto. Many people called and even 
offered the guy substantially more than the selling price (1800.00) but the 
seller kept his word.

This weekend I am going to see a guy who has told me he has a 67.5 2000 for 
sale. I will take pics of the car when I can. The owner has set an asking 
price. I am going to look at the car and post my findings. With the owner's 
permission I will post contact info to the list first.

Call me biased, but I'd like to see one go to a list member. ;-)

Take Care,

Andrew Murphy
1967.5 2000

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