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Who's Who?

To: Datsun-Roadsters List <>
Subject: Who's Who?
From: Craig <>
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 16:58:05 -0700
Craig & Sheila (35/36) from Redding, CA (Short trip to Shasta) We've been
married for 8yrs, together 16 or so.  One beautiful daughter 4 years old.  I
work as a mechanical engineering tech for CH2M Hill.   

I first got the roadster bug when my dad purchased 2 66' roadsters in Santa
Monica for $500.  That was the mid 70's.  I learned to drive in the red
roadster and the other was sold to a family friend.  Today that car is being
restored in Corning, CA.  On my 16th birthday my dad gave me the roadster.
Instantly I found out how much girls love convertibles!   One of the most
memorable moments in my roadster was driving the roadster to the Bay area to
a track meet with 3-16 ft pole vault poles strapped to the trunk, up over
the window and tied down to the hood with three people in the car.  The
looks we got, especially in downtown SF. I thought they had seen everything
there.  I drove the car from one end of California, until I put the fan thru
the radiator, in Simi Valley.  What a pain to fix that.  In  the mid 80's
you couldn't just hop on the internet and get parts.  Fortunately my dad
owns a large machine shop, so after few fabricated parts sent thru the USPS,
I was back on the road. 

After I graduated HS I sold the roadster to a friend, and bought a 75'
Datsun pickup.  Nice truck, but not a roadster.  I have never found out what
happened to that roadster.  Finally my wife got tired of me bitching about
getting rid of my roadster, so she gave me permission to buy one.  I put it
off for a few years.

In those few years we started building Stainless Steel Teardrop Trailers,
and with our first one we built we, took 2 months off and traveled around
the United States. We pulled it with our Honda Civic and sleep in the
trailer all over the country.

Which brings us to the beginning of the summer of 2002.  I was bitching
about not having a roadster, and the wife got fed up.  She went on the
Internet and found a 66' on the NOWROC site that Daniel Beatty was selling
in Portland.  We agreed on a price a few weeks before the  Mt. Shasta meet.
Daniel drove it down to Mt. Shasta where we became roadster owners again.  

I never claimed to be a mechanic and no very little about roadsters. The car
we bought need a little work.  Work I didn't have time to do.  So back to
the internet we went.  Again to the NOWROC website where my wife found our
current 66'.  It was for sale in Seattle. The ad said it was previously
owned by Dennis and Linda Kempf. (I don't know anything about them, but it
was a nice car)
We agreed on a price with the current owner and drove to Seattle to pick it
up that weekend.  I drove it back to Redding, without a problem, with the
top down the whole way.  I was amazed at the amount of waves, honks and
thumbs up as people whizzed by me.

Now I had two roadsters in my garage. Sadly one had to go. The first one
went on Ebay and was sold in 7 days, to a couple back in Portland.  I'm sure
they will give it a good home.

So today we are enjoying our newer roadster.  It's in great shape.  Only a
slight oil leak to be fixed this winter. My daughter loves to ride in the
car.  She was the one who gave it its nickname.   She asks can we take the
red ladybug car? So now its know as Ladybug.  You can see the car here  We also own a Honda Accord Wagon. Goober
mobile, but reliable. Also a Mazda Pickup for hauling.

Sorry this is so long, you can wake up now.

Thanks for all the great advice on the board.

Craig & Sheila
66 SPL311 1600

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