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Who am I?

Subject: Who am I?
From: thomas walter <>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 12:59:52 -0700 (PDT)
Born in Sacramento, CA in 1958. Worked as a kid in a
Service Station, saving my hard earned money to
purchase a '71 Datsun 510 for $1500 in 1974.  Promptly
took off running TSD (time-speed-distance) rally's and
Pro Rallies (racing on weekends, daily driver during
the week).

Always found it interesting to look at mechanical and
electronic things and just know how to take them apart
and put them backtogether again. I consider it a gift,
especially if they work after I've taken the apart!

Thankfully saw the light, and decided to finish up an
Electronics Engineering degree, at Cal Poly '83. Spent
five years working in Germany for an Automotive
supplier, Robert Bosch GmbH.  Lived for a while in
Beaverton, Oregon. Chatted with other owners via the
'net as bit!thomas in those UUCP days. Moved to Texas
in 1993. 

Had a couple of rough years, thankfully found Paxil to
help with the depression. Just took me longer to get
off it than I would have imagined.

Meet up with a very nice lady, Pam, a couple of years
ago. We've combined our households into one. So with
four kids: Alex, 12; Emerson, 12; Liam, 9; and Kate,
7; we have our hands full. Never a dull moment. As
much as a garage person I am, seems odd to have
converted the garage into two additional bedrooms. So
the slab for a 1500 sq. ft shop is down, but just need
time and funds to build it!

Currently own a '66 1600, which is in good shape...
but came with the motor in pieces. Just a matter of
finding time, and dry days, to put the engine back
together and start working on it. 

Tom Walter

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