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Clutch fear wakes me at 3 AM

Subject: Clutch fear wakes me at 3 AM
From: "Allen Blackmon" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 16:42:47 +0000
To List,

Okay, I've got my engine in!!!  With header attached as well, which is 
really not very easy, kind of like shoving a wheelbarrow into your oven 
(I've never done that, but I imagine it's got to be easier than putting that 
stinkin' engine with header on in the car).

So, you'd think I'd be happy, parading around like I'm the King of my local 
town here.  No, in fact I woke up at 3 AM this moring with the thought that 
maybe I put my clutch in backwards!!  Couldn't sleep the rest of the night.  
What is bothering me it this statement from the Rising Sun archives (under 
"assembling the 2000 engine"):

"Use a clutch alignment tool to install the clutch disc on the flywheel. Be 
sure that the extended part of the clutch disc hub faces the flywheel."

Used clutch alignment tool, so first part didn't bother me.  It's the next 
part:  "Be sure that the extended part of the clutch disc hub faces the 

Well, if I did that, my disc wouldn't rub on the flywheel and if it did get 
that close, my disc would hit my flywheel bolts.  So I did it with the 
extended part of my hub towards the tranny.

Did I do it wrong, or is the above statement wrong?  Or is something else 
horribly wrong?  You can imagine now why I was awaken at 3 AM with horrific 
fears of having to take the engine out and put back in again.  Please help!!

1970 2000 angst ridden

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