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Re: Jimmys Picnic IMPORTANT!!!

To: "Daniel Neuman" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Jimmys Picnic IMPORTANT!!!
From: "roadster katman" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 22:17:29 -0700
Daniel, Yeah, a tasty lunch! I agree!

Here's an overhead picture of  Golden Gate Park in San Francisco showing
Speedway Meadow:
Here's a streetmap of Golden Gate Park:
It kinda sucks because it doesn't have a label for Speedway Meadow, but it's
just right (east) of Lindley Meadow, off John F. Kennedy Drive and west of
19th Avenue.

Here's a picture of Speedway Meadow (minus the cars if you arrive early):

A couple pictures of Jimmy's show from 2000:

Here's a picture of Speedway Meadow, with sports cars at an event from 1952
(they've been doing car stuff for years):
Other historic pictures of Golden Gate Park at
This is one of a bunch of servers I administer at my job, lots of SF

Fred Katz - So.SF
1966 2L "Loosie"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Neuman" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 1:08 PM
Subject: Jimmys Picnic IMPORTANT!!!

> Hello All,
>   I don't know how organized we are with the JImmy's show. Its generally a
> get there early and leave mid-afternoon kinda thing. I know that Fred,
> Stefan, and myself are going, maybe Dana, Todd? Ken?. Who else is planning
on going.
> We should pool our resources so we can make a tasty lunch for our
> group or something.
>  Lets Get Organized!!
> Why doesn't everybody who knows they are going reply to me personally.
> if you know you are not going could you tell us just so we don't try to
> save a spot for you?
> After I get everybodys replys I will send a group email out so that we
> bother the main list with our planning details.
> Daniel 69 2000
>   Oakland CA

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