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Re: Dangerous sticking throttle: Check your car!!

To: "Jim Cawrse" <>,
Subject: Re: Dangerous sticking throttle: Check your car!!
From: mtyler <>
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 21:44:13 -0500
Jim Cawrse wrote

>For all:
>Yesterday had a sticking throttle episode, and would
>encourage all to check your throttle to prevent
>a dangerous situation.  It might not be a problem
>for all roadsters.  Here are details:
>While blipping the gas for a quick downshift, the
>unblipping part of the evolution did not happen,
>in fact the car would have overreved except I
>feathered the clutch and turned off the ignition.
>One of the small white nylon ball joints for
>the forward throttle linkage cracked, allowing
>it to pop off its ball.  My throttle return spring
>is on the common shaft for both carbs, there
>is no spring on each carb, so the forward carb
>stayed pretty much wide open after the linkage
>popped off.
>My linkage may not be at all like normal, I have
>240 Z carbs on a stroked 1600.  Needless to
>say I am replacing all 4 little white nylon
>ball joints.
>Hope this helps someone!!

I had a sticking throttle the other day as well, but for a different 
reason.  Carb and linkage setup is standard for a 1600 except for the 
overflow tubes which were plumbed to the air cleaner now are routed down 
past the exh manifold.  Seems one of the overflow tubes got wedged behind 
one of the dogbones on the linkage.  The experience was virtyally 
identical to Jim's.  Make sure your overflow tubes are bundled and tied 
out of the way.


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