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Re: vaporlock?

To: <>, <>,
Subject: Re: vaporlock?
From: "James M Koken" <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 20:14:53 -0700
Ditto on the fuel pump. We fought with one for a week and it wasn't putting
out the 5lb's a new one does, and it acted like vapor lock.
Just a thought
Mike Koken
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2002 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: vaporlock?

> In a message dated 06/20/2002 3:59:54 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > A month or so ago there was a long thread on vapor lock, which I really
> >  didn't follow much at the time because I had never experienced it. Not
> >  really sure if that's what's happening now, but it sure seems to meet
> >  the symptoms mentioned. I've got a '68 U20 with SUs and stock fuel
> >  No problems cruising around town, but the last couple of times I hopped
> >  up on the highway she started sputtering and coughing. Pulled off, sat
> >  for a minute, everything came back to normal and was content to ride
> >  around at low speeds. Engine temp seems to be fine, and she only gets
> >  upset when I want to take a dash on the highway. Suspecting vapor lock,
> >  I went searching for a way to cool off the fuel, and found a fuel
> >  at Summit Racing, at the link below:
> >
> It might be worthwhile to check out the simple stuff first before popping
> the fuel cooler. Is the stock pump's output up to snuff? A pump that's in
> it's declining years may move enough fuel to keep the bowls filled at
> load/low speed but not at freeway speeds and loads. Fuel filter? A clogged
> one will produce the same symptoms. And there's always the
> syndrome.....rust and/or crud can clog a pickup, again producing the same
> symptoms.
> I once owned a Volvo PV544 and some comedian saw fit to drop a few dozen
> watermelon seeds into the gas filler (honest!). Ran fine until one of the
> seeds found it's way to the pickup, and then things got real quiet for a
> while until the seed drifted away....started back up and ran fine until
> another seed got sucked in.
> Point is, the solution might be cheap and easy, if not terribly sexy.
> Bill
> 70
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