Seeing the pics of the radically lowered car, I came up with an idea. I
have seen that lowering blocks are the method of choice for lowering the
rear of the car, but up front there are other options. Some folks opt for
the Comp springs, while others cut coils. What about the bolt on
compressors? Not a full coil spring compressor - this is a little two bolt,
two bracket affair that is readily available in the Auto Parts stores. Not
exactly high performance, but they look like they will give one an idea of
what lowering the car will work like - plus they are reversible easily - if
you don't like the lowered car, unbolt it and you are back stock.
Just a thought.
Sidney Raper
1964 1500
1967 SRL311 00060
1967 SRL311 00076
Jacksonville Florida
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