the differentials are interchangeable physically, but the 1600 has a
3.88:1 ratio, where the 2000 has a 3.7:1 ratio.
Despite reports to the contrary, the Solex optioned 2000s did not come
standard with a LSD (from what I've seen, anyway). We Canadians (and
Australians, too), who got Solex equipped cars as a rule, did not get
LSDs as a standard part of the upgrade. Too bad, cause I need one!
Pete Long
Guelph, Ontario
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Gray Home []
> Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 8:53 AM
> To: 'Datsun Roadster List'
> Subject: 67.5 Differential? LSD?
> I'm sure these have been asked before but:
> is the 67.5 1600 Differential the same as the 67.5 2000 Differential?
> did the 67.5 2000 Solex come with a different differential?
> Thanks,
> Chris
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